Alternative for ice cream lovers. This requires just few ingredient to make and also contains no added sugar but still have a very sweet taste.
Slice up one banana and freeze. (Slices should be small so it's easier to blend.)
You can also buy fresh berries and freeze, but I used frozen berries which I normally keep in the freezer.
You'll need a blender or food processor.
Ingredients ( per portion )
1 1/4 Banana
Frozen berries: strawberry and blackberry
1/4tsp Cocoa powder
Almond milk (you can use any milk or even a little bit of water) this is just to blend. Avoid using condensed or canned milk.
Seeds (Optional)
Estimated Calorie = 200kcal
However, this calorie contains more healthy content compared to normal ice cream which contains empty calories as it as no beneficial nutrients and it contains added sugar.
How to:
Step 1: Put the frozen banana in the blender and add a bit of milk, and blend. You might have to wait for the blender to rest in between but it will blend it eventually. You can also use a spoon to move the mixture around before you continue to blend. However, if it is taking time, it might be that the frozen banana is too hard, therefore you can leave it at room temperature for like 2-5 minutes before you continue to blend.
Step 2: Pour half of the blended banana into a cup or bowl and in another bowl, pour the 1/4 tsp cocoa powder and mix well with tiny or a drop of water or can use milk.
Step 3: Add the remaining blended banana into the cocoa mixture and mix together. This makes the chocolate layer.
Step 4: Put the plain banana ice cream and the chocolate banana ice cream into the freezer to set while you blend the third layer.
Step 5: Using the same blender, add in 1/4 banana and any frozen pinkie berries of your choice, strawberry, raspberry or even blackberries will do. For this recipe, I used 2 frozen strawberries and 2 blackberries.
Step 6: Add a little bit of milk or water to blend and pour out this mixture into another cup.
Step 7: Using a small transparent jar or a plastic cup, (you can use anything but using something see through makes it looks more attractive) add in sliced kiwi or can even use fresh strawberry. Try and stick it to the side of the jar or drinking cup.
Step 8: Bending the cup sideways, add in the first layer, and then the second, gradually straighten the cup and finally add in the third layer with the cup sitting vertically.
You can put your preferred layer first. But I put the chocolate first and the banana second and the berries third.
Step 9: Finally top with some seeds.
Step 10: Enjoy!
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